Jack Crane
Ranking en Amazon: #16000000
(ayer: #0)
Páginas: 20
This is the first in a 16 part series, the last of which is really a novella.
The topics are related to one another, though I cared them to be as varied as possible. They range from BDSM to wrestling, with a few tours into other shadowy realms of soul.
This first part is about the acquaintance between a young beauty and an elderly man who is very sure about what he wants.
I hope you enjoy it enough to send me a few words about the willingness to read the whole series, or to better leave it as it is. :-)
For those interested in learning languages, there is a Spanish version of the whole of it, "Cuentos inconfesables" (ASIN: B007JBHOHA). So if you buy it, you can try and translate for your own profit, and then wait for the English translation and see how right your guesses were.