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Un Contrato con Dios Volumen 2

Autor: David Jeon
Ranking en Amazon: #989666 (ayer: #548610)
Páginas: 245

The Journey is the second book in A Contract with God series by David Jeon. Haunted by the prophecies of a mysterious voice, David?s internship at the university hospital in Seoul, Korea, brings him back to confront his past, and the women he must avoid. Unable to bear his angst, he takes time out of medicine to go to America to perfect his English, then onto Europe, where his grand tour is a religious adventure, too.
A philosophical and spiritual journey that everyone can relate to ? David remains simultaneously wise and yet naïve, in this thought-provoking sequel based on true-life experience.

Ranking actual: #989666 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #989666
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #989666 (el día 22/12/2021)

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