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Stone Mirror, Water Mirror. Haiku and Haibun (English Edition)

Autor: Clelia Ifrim
Ranking en Amazon: #16000000 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 47

In an article published in the American magazine LYNX?A Journal for Linking Poets (XXIV:3, October 2009), Jane Reichhold describes the print edition of this book in the following terms:

I really prefer to review books that I love or even like. Having to say my truth about another?s work, especially when I know how much work such efforts are, really puts a mean dent in my day. It is so much more pleasant to open a book, like Stone Mirror, Water Mirror and find the first haiku so marvelous:

Stone mirror ?
the rain polishes
its own marks

There! that looks so easy and is so perfect! Why can?t every haiku have that truth, that perfection in it? For me, just finding one great haiku in a book is enough to put a smile on everything else in the day. But wait, Stone Mirror, Water Mirror offers much more.
Sprinkled among the haiku (one to a page) and the postage sized drawings (one to a page) are the haibun. I often find myself inhaling a tired gasp of air as I prepare to read another haibun ? almost knowing I will be bored to tears before I get to the haiku at the end. Not so in Stone Mirror, Water Mirror! I loved Ifrim?s prose writing.
People write and talk about how haibun need to have ?haiku-style? prose and try to accomplish this with incomplete sentences and outlandish punctuation. Clelia Ifrim?s haiku-like writing comes from her inner being. Her subject matter, and the way she views the incidents of her prose, contain that loose, easy way of haiku. By thinking and feeling deeply she is capable of saying the most outrageous things simply and making the reader glad to believe them. I do not know if this is skill one can learn or if it happens that this woman contains the spirit of haiku in everything she writes. She does! and haibun writers should study her work to see what can be done with this form. Even if you have no intention of trying to write like Clelia Ifrim, buy her book just to enjoy the haiku and admire the haibun in the hands of a master. Truly!

Ranking actual: #16000000 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #16000000
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #16000000 (el día 22/12/2021)

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