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How I Made $1000 in A Single Day (English Edition)

Autor: Mark Grint
Ranking en Amazon: #16000000 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 34

This novella will surprise you and entertain you at the same time. Has the author found a way to earn $1000 a day? He certainly has! But he has also found a way to make you smile, to get you relaxed and accepting, to help you open new eyes into this old world.

In fact, this short book mirrors the writer's vision:

"Why do I write? I like to write, because I like very much reading good novels and seeing well-made movies. Every time I read a captivating book or I see an impressive movie I say to myself: 'Wow! How great would it is to create something that enraptures other people!'
I am always followed by this idea: 'How can I make the readers drop their jaw after reading a novel that I wrote?'
One thing is clear. I never start a new book before I find the idea that shocks the readers, plays with their minds, and leaves them thinking."

Buy this booklet and enjoy every piece of it!

Ranking actual: #16000000 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #16000000
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #16000000 (el día 22/12/2021)

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