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Crazy English! Intermediate - Upper-intermediate (English Edition)

Autor: George Sandford
Ranking en Amazon: #89375 (ayer: #44252)
Páginas: 99

Crazy English is a fun collection of 25 short texts to help English learners, (Intermediate - Upper Intermediate), to find out all about the eccentric aspects of English culture.

Each text is approximately 300 words with comprehension or vocabulary tests and answers. It is suitable for self-study or as a teaching aid. Material may be copied, with author attribution, for classroom purposes but not commercial use.

Enjoy reading about Harrods, The Red Telephone Box, Cheese Rolling and all the weird and wonderful things that got to make the English so crazy!

Ranking actual: #89375 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #89375
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #89375 (el día 22/12/2021)

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