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Bestiary: Book of Monsters (English Edition)

Autor: J Eastmond
Ranking en Amazon: #0 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 60

Monsters inhabit just about in every dark places and corners. They are most often following you home lurking in the shadows and can also be found in your closet or under. But most unquestionably, they are without doubt to be found living in your head.

They are forever creeping, crawling, lurking and lying in wait, their major purpose is to scare the living crap out of people, to turn then or kill anyone who may be crossing their path. The word monster originates from the Latin word "monstrum", which means omen.
Monsters are often morally evil, sadistic, uncaring and larger than humans. They are well-known for having a strange and frightening appearance.

They are most often creatures with an evil mind with structural defects or deformities physically. These monsters are abnormal with deformed body parts which are frightening to look at. Everyone has a monster inside them, but which of these powerful and magical creatures that go bump in the night live in you. Humans can be turned into these creatures by a bite or even a scratch.

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